Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stayin' Alive

     Yeah, I'm still around, my loyal readers (those of you who are left). This session has just been a grind. Six classes and quite often when I get off work I still have more to do. Next session is gonna seem like cake with just four classes (I think I'll have just four). I just haven't felt like coming home and writing. And the longer I wait, the more daunting the task becomes. I want to write about the wedding, Key West, Lunar New Year in Chuncheon, and of course, about my day to day life over here, but again, so much to write about and I look at it all and I think, I'll do it later.
     Next week, Ami and I take off for a week in Thailand. We're staying on an island not far from Cambodia. Should be fun.
     And now Ami is calling me to cook the broccoli. She's not sure how. I'll get back to this soon......I hope.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Frosty the Groundhog

     It snowed a bit on Tuesday afternoon/evening, but the temps were nice....around 30 or so. Since then though, the skies have been clear and the temps have dropped dramatically. Check this out....