Saturday, August 6, 2011

You're Hired!

     Well, I think I'll start a new blog as I just found out last night that I've been offered a job in Korea...a job I am going to accept and will start in mid/late October. I can't claim to know all the details of the place, but what I do know is that it's a school for young adults who want to focus on English more than, say, the average Korean student does. Right now I tend to think of it as a halfway house between high school and university. I believe that the students at GNUCR, which stands for Gangnam University of California Riverside, are people who either want to focus on English at a university in Korea or who want to attend an American university. But I am sure that I am oversimplifying this and that I will meet students who don't quite fall into one of these two categories. We shall see. And, by the way, Gangnam is a part of Seoul, apparently a very good area of Seoul.
     You might also be wondering exactly how the University of California at Riverside and this school are related and you'll be a little disappointed to learn that I can't answer that question just now, but I'll figure that out eventually, so hold tight.
     I learned about this school from a former colleague who worked at the school here in Campbell, California that I still work at. It's a long story that even I don't know all of, but he moved to Korea and eventually ended up working at GNUCR. Through the magic of Facebook, he and I managed to keep in touch and I have to give him the majority of the credit for me getting this job. As the saying goes, "it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know". Anyway, when he found out that I was thinking of moving to Korea (which is another story I will get to eventually), he recommended his employers telling me that it was/is a great place to work and a step in the right direction for career ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers. So I sent off my resume back in February and through a long string of events got offered a job this week (I guess perhaps I should explain that whole story too....later).
     So....the gist is that I am moving to Korea where I will be teaching English. If you were with me in Japan, you already know that my job was a "show up and put on a show" kind of job. I enjoyed that, but I have a feeling this job will be much more teacher-like. Once again, we shall see.
     So, with that, let me sign off now after this short initial post. I will, over the next few weeks, fill in the detail of how this all came about. A very interesting story if only to me.

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