Saturday, October 15, 2011

You are cleared for takeoff

     Quick rundown of the last few days....Tuesday, as I mentioned before, I went to SF armed with a visa number and a number of other documents and applied for the visa. Wednesday, I worked hard to get the car cleaned up and ready to sell, got boxes packed up to ship, and bought my friend in Korea a few things he requested as well as a few things I'll be needing. Thursday, I drove back to SF to get the visa, mailed the boxes, and packed suitcases. Friday (today), I drove to Modesto to sell the car, drove a rental car back to San Jose, canceled insurance and cell phone, ran to the bank to get my finances in order, and met Ray and Judy for a last hurrah dinner. Tonight I sleep at Ami's place with her and her mother (not in the same room, of course) And in the morning we go to SFO and then at 12:15, the Korean Air Boeing 777 should be rolling into position for takeoff. I will write again in a few days from Korea.

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