Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year Notes

     Just a quick update here.

1) I apologize for not writing more. Several reasons the most honest of which is that I've been lazy about it. Will try to remedy that in the days and weeks to follow.

2) Christmas vacation to Key West was great. Got to see quite a few of those important to me.

3) Got married on December 28th. Ami and I are now hitched and happy to be that way.

4) The new session has me teaching six classes a day--quite a difference from the four I was doing last session. Getting used to it now (three weeks into the session), but it makes for a long day.

5) Going to Chuncheon for the Lunar New Year this weekend. Will spend three days there. Perhaps I'll have time to write since I can't do much else there.

That's all for now. I will try to expand the above with details soon. 

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