Thursday, March 29, 2012

Out to Launch

     I've collected a few more articles about North Korea below. If this doesn't interest you, look away now.

     This rocket thing is getting interesting and seems to suggest that Kim Jong Un is happy to continue the madness that is North Korea--although exactly how many of the shots being called up there are being called by him is a question.
     If you haven't been paying attention to what's been going on....Basically, the US and NK reached an agreement last month that would send food to NK from the US while NK would halt nuclear weapons tests, missile launches, and any other activities that were deemed to be of the nuclear variety. But then about a week later, in a rather predictably shocking way, NK made the announcement that it would launch a rocket into space in mid-April. The US screamed "Hey, you just said...." only to be interrupted by NK, who retorted "But it's not a missile, it's a rocket and it's not going to carry a nuclear warhead but a satellite that will orbit the earth in a most peaceful way." Of course, no one buys this and many have tried to persuade the rogue government not to go through with the launch, but it seems that NK is giving the world the old "up yours" routine and claiming it has every right to do what it pleases.
     And so here we are. South Korea has said it will consider the launch an act of war if it violates South Korean airspace. Japan has said that if it strays from the designated flight path, they will shoot it down. The US, just today, has suspended the food aid that was promised. And through it all, China has stuck its fingers in its ears and exclaimed, "La la la la".

Explanation about the whole situation and "why it matters":

Seems to be saying "Why, NK? Why?":

"No soup for you!":

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